Thursday, July 29, 2010

Morning Call

You call to me,

My heart quickens -

Anxious to answer


Dishes sit in the sink

Cereal boxes taunt me from the table.

You call to me,

My heart struggles-

Hoping to answer


Towels covering the bathroom floor

Scream at me to straighten and scrub.

You call to me,

My heart falls-

Wanting to answer


The laundry grows taller and meaner

Laughing at my laziness.

You call to me,

My heart yearns-

Wishing to answer


Among the clutter-

A whisper

Be still… know that I am.

In the midst of all this

I find your word

I answer your call.


  1. Reminds me of Mary and her sister Martha in Luke 10:38-42
    Mary sat at Jesus' feet, listened and ministered to Him. Martha complained because she had to do all the housework. Jesus told Martha don't be concerned with little things, but focus on what is important.

  2. Oh the blessings of a 'lived in' house :-)

    Thank you for the reminder that we shouldn't be too busy to hear God's call.
