Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Whom Shall I Fear?

Who are we more afraid of offending – God or man? The Creator or the created? If I had to answer that honestly, I would have to say that I am more afraid of offending my fellow human beings.

Although I may feel a tinge of guilt when I substitute prayer time for facebook time, I certainly am not afraid of doing so. Yet, put me in a position where my faith will be suddenly revealed in my opinions and my mind races for the right words that won’t offend.

If I say, “As a Christian I believe…” will I be labeled as a Jesus freak? If so, is that bad?

Should I allow my son to wear his vacation bible T-shirt to school? If not, what answer do I give to his question, “Why not?”

Will my cross necklace offend my co-workers?

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

It seems illogical to have more fear for my fellow man that the God who created us all. But let’s face it… man can be mean.

We glare, roll our eyes, argue and bring lawsuits.

God is loving, merciful and forgiving.

We belittle and accuse others of being ignorant or intolerant.

God is quiet, patient and compassionate.

Jeremiah was a prophet of God. It was his job to tell the people of Judah that because of all the years they defied God by worshipping man-made idols instead of the God who led them out of Egypt, He was going to allow Babylon to conquer them and take them captive. Needless to say, Jeremiah did not want the job! He did not want to be God’s spokesman in a time when people would literally kill the messenger.

God said to Jeremiah:

“Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you.

Do not be terrified by them or I will terrify you before them.”

-Jeremiah 1:17

I know, I know, Jeremiah had an unfair advantage right? God spoke to him directly. There is no doubt in our minds that we would be bolder on behalf of God if He spoke directly to us!

Yet Jeremiah tells us…

“The Word of the Lord came to me saying…”

-Jeremiah 1:14

Wait! Don’t we also have the Word of the Lord? Can’t we indeed hold it in our hands? (Can’t you just hear Jeremiah saying, “If only I had your words in writing Lord, so I could be sure of what you said…”)

It is hard to imagine standing up and speaking the Word of God in the face of death when we have so much trouble speaking the Word of God in the face of… being politically incorrect.

Jesus said, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him.” (Luke 9:26)

These are the words that haunt me as I walk among my fellow man. Words that embolden me to say out loud, “As a Christian I believe…” even as my heart pounds in fear of the reaction I will get.

Because God is merciful and loving I know He is forgiving when I don’t have the courage to reveal proudly who I am through Christ. But the thought of this same merciful and forgiving God being ashamed of me for hiding my faith- cuts me to the core.

So I will strive to walk this perishable life in such a way that when it is finished I will hear the words “Well done good and faithful servant”. I will struggle to ‘set my mind on things above, not on earthly things’ (Col 3:2). I will fear God more than man but I will also take refuge in Him whom I fear. For what He said to Jeremiah He also says to me.

“Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you.”

-Jeremiah 1:8


  1. Thank you for this post, quite timely.

  2. Very well said, Lisa. Let me be the first to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! albeit a bit early.

    This post made my day. I love it when God makes something available for me to read at exactly the time I need to read it.
